
4.1 Starting. Starting berths will be determined by the Commodore of the Day and will generally follow the order shown on the regatta programme. A boat must be started within one foot of its designated berth.

When starting a boat on any course it must be floating in the water and the sailor’s hand or the stem/ bumpkin of the boat must be touching the bank. The boat must be released and not pushed. If the starter deems that a boat has been pushed, the sailor may be warned and an additional handicap added. After one warning, a sailor may be disqualified from that race.

If a boat is unable to make a fair start, the Commodore of the Day or a nominee will normally order a re-sail.

4.2 Turning. When a boat is approaching a bank, a sailor shall not reach out and pull it in. It shall be allowed to come right up to the bank. After it has been turned, it shall be released in accordance with the Starting Rule above.

4.3 Touching a bank. If a boat which has started in a race, sails to a side bank, it may be touched twice only whilst on the same tack. The sail settings may be adjusted before releasing the boat.

A boat must come into contact with the bank, or with a hand touching the bank, before it is sailed off. It may then be held out at arm’s length but it shall not be pushed or advanced along the bank. Two touches may be increased to a maximum of four by the Commodore of the Day for young/novice sailors but only in ordinary racing (not cups/championships etc.) 

4.4 Assistance to Sailors. After a boat has been placed in the water ready for the start of a race, it may not be touched by any person other than the sailor, except to prevent it from striking a bank.

Verbal assistance may be given only to children 7 years of age and under but children of 6 years of age and under may be given physical assistance. Apart from these two exceptions, no assistance may be given to any sailor after the race has started, i.e. after the boat has been put in the water for the first time.

Sailors may, with the permission of The Commodore of the Day or his nominee, nominate an assistant to release a boat at the start of a race, but the assistant may not make any adjustment to the setting of the sails.

During Cup races the assistance to children and novice sailors is suspended.

4.5 Collisions. In a Championship or Cup race, the race shall be re-sailed when a collision takes place during the first half of the race. In the event of a collision in the second half of a Cup race, a re-sail will be ordered if the leading boats or an overtaking boat collide.

In all other races, a re-sail will be ordered when 50% of the competing boats collide during the outward course or when the leading boats or overtaking boat collide during the return leg.

Notwithstanding the above, the Commodore of the Day, or his nominee, shall have absolute power to order or refuse a re-sail. Alternatively he may order a re-sail for second place only.

Before a race is re-sailed, the Commodore of the Day, or his nominee, may alter the starting berths of the boats. After two re-sails, the Commodore may order that there Will be no more re-sails despite there being further collisions. Any boat that has been removed from the water before a re-sail is announced will not be eligible for the re-sail.

Amendments and Additions to Sailing Rules for Beat and Run Races.

4.6 Starting. Sailors need not release the boat from its drawn berth, but may move, at the discretion of the Starter, to a windward berth after the boat in that berth has got away.

4.7 Rounding the Buoy. When a course round a buoy has been set, a flag will mark the side of the buoy from which it shall be rounded. If a boat passes on the wrong side of a buoy on either the outward or homeward track, the boat must correct the error by returning past the same side of the buoy before rounding the buoy on the correct side.

4.8 Touching the Finish Bank. Should a boat touch the finishing bank, outside the two flags that define the finishing line, the boat must sail to another bank before finishing between the flags.

4.9 Touching other Banks (Walls). There is no restriction on the number of times a boat can be touched. However a boat must come into contact with a hand touching the bank before it is sailed off. It may then be held out at arm’s length but it shall not be pushed or advanced along the bank.

4.10 Assistance. Each sailor may nominate an assistant who may start or turn the boat without altering the settings or proffering advice

4.11 Collisions. Re-sails will only be ordered if there is a collision on the first beat.